Blue Heart Sanctuary

We Believe That We Are The Ones Responsible For Creating What Is As Close As Possible To The Experience Of Heaven On This Earth.

Blue Heart Sanctuary

People Can Come Connect With Nature And Experience The Unconditional Love Of The Animals Graced To Call The Sanctuary Their Home.

How it All Began...

With a heart full of love and deep connection to all life, Amma Sól felt the call to be of service to help animals in need by creating a refuge where they could live their lives abundant in love and peace. In 2001, Amma took a leap of faith and founded the Blue Heart Sanctuary, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, for-service animal rescue organization. The Sanctuary was originally founded in Myakka City, Florida where Amma was an animal cruelty investigator working with the Manatee County Sheriff. Over the years, Amma has facilitated the rescue and rehabilitation of hundreds of animals; many that have experienced unspeakable cruelty and neglect. After a near miss by hurricane Charley, more than 60 farm and companion animals made an exodus from the West coast of Florida to higher ground in the mountains of Western NC.

It was Divinely Orchestrated for them to find the perfect place... 40 acres of ancient Cherokee land that has become a beacon of Love and Light and a place of Peace for All.

What began as a Sanctuary for animals has evolved and expanded into the creation of the SólGaia Center for Illumined Hearts, a wellness and retreat center where people can come disconnect from the chaos of the outside world; allowing them the opportunity to become immersed in the beauty and wonder of our natural world and feel the unconditional love of the animals.

Come... rest, revive and rejuvenate in the peaceful, loving energies that deeply nourish our souls. Allow this Sacred Cherokee land to Revitalize and Harmonize All Aspects of Your Being.

aBOUT Blue Heart Sanctuary

For us that looks like Seeing The Divine Creator Expressed in Every Being with whom We are Graced to Share this Big Beautiful Planet.

It’s Pure, Unconditional Love… a palpable Feeling that many of us Experience in the Presence of Animals.

​Our Sanctuary philosophy is "Love in Action, Peace and Compassion." We serve as a refuge for both farm and companion animals in need and provide a protective habitat for wildlife at our 40 acre sanctuary on sacred Cherokee land.

Our offerings



In-person and Virtual Tours where people can come connect with nature and experience the unconditional love of the animals graced to call the Sanctuary their home.



Live and Recorded “Love Streams” on Zoom, Webex and Telegram with the Sheep and Goats with whom you choose to Share an Unforgettable Experience.



Reading with Ruminants – a captivating reading program with Goats or Sheep that is aligned with state and common core standards.

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Prayer of St. Francis

let's connect

We would love to hear from you!

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here are many ways you can get involved to help Support our mission and vision of creating

Heaven on Earth.

On our Join Us page, you'll find numerous ways you can partner with us to make a difference. It requires a tremendous amount of resources and provisions to care for all the animals.

Tax deductible Donations are Greatly Appreciated and can be made via the Donate button below. ​